At Barneys we offer a number of short courses throughout the year.
The aims of our short courses are to help develop your skills and encourage you in your faith in an interactive format
Short courses are for anyone and everyone! You can come with your DNA or Growth Group, or by yourself.
In 2024 we are focussing on two main priorities:
- Refreshing your faith
- Bible reading skills to help you engage with the Bible in a deeper way.
We will do this via
- One off events
- Really short courses – just two weeks, short and sharp to get you started
- Short courses – 3 weeks on a topic
Short Courses
Gospel Refresher
April 2024
Are you feeling a little dry or distracted in your faith? Are you feeling the need to come back to basics? This course is for you! It will help you come back to the heart of our faith and start afresh, wherever you are now.
How to go Deeper with the Bible: A Study of Philippians
May 2024
Do you or your DNA need to brush up on your Bible reading skills? Keen to get as much as you can out of Philippians? This course is for you. Over three weeks, we’ll do an in depth study of Philippians, and along the way we’ll be learning key Bible reading skills that will serve you in your Bible reading for years to come
How to Write a Bible Study/Bible Talk
June/July 2024
Our third short course is focused on writing Bible studies and Bible talks. Over three weeks we’ll discuss how to read and study the Bible and how to explain a passage – either in study form, talk form or simply in conversation. We would love you to come either on your own or with your DNA as we try to become better communicators of God’s Word. After the short course, there will be opportunities for those who want to practice writing studies or talks. Chat to Erica or Naomi for more info or questions.
Romans: From Head to Heart
Tuesdays August 6, 13 & 20. 7pm
Romans is full of profound truths – theological concepts like ‘justification’, ‘redemption’, ‘propitiation’. It can be easy just spend our energy trying to understand them, and never really get around to seeing how they impact our actual lives. This is what this course is intended to help us with.
Together we’ll study the book of Romans.We’ll get a deeper understanding of some key passages and key concepts, but really importantly, we’ll also learn some key tools to apply these to our lives.
Really Short Courses
It's a Bible Overview
Sundays March 10 & 17, 2-4pm
Get insight into how the Bible fits together as one big book with one major storyline.
This course should help anyone who struggles to make sense of what the big picture of our faith is, and how seemingly random books like Nahum or Chronicles fit into that.

Exploring the Life and Teaching of Jesus
The Alpha Course
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space, where people can explore life, faith and meaning.
Alpha is an environment for anyone and everyone who wants to explore life and the Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha is free and everyone is welcome.
Simply Christianity
Explore the ancient faith of Christianity through the lens of Jesus’ life and teaching. Over 5 weeks, we’ll read through one of the earliest bios of Jesus, enjoy good food in great company, and discuss the big questions with thoughtfulness and respect. For those exploring Christianity for the first time, or seeking an adult understanding for childhood beliefs.