Barneys Men’s Trip


The Barneys Men are heading away for the night; how good.
This event is open to all Barneys men of all ages!
Men under 18 will need to attend with a parent or guardian over 25 who accepts responsibility for the supervision for the entire trip.

Friday November 1 & Saturday November 2

Kihilla Christian Centre, Lawson
5/17 Queens Rd, Lawson NSW 2783

students // under 18 // retirees – $60
workers – $80

If cost is prohibitive for you, let us know!
We do not want to cost to be a barrier, but we cannot help unless you ask.
Chat to anyone on the Mens Trip Planning Team & they can help you out.

Dinner will be happening as people turn up from 630-9pm or so.
When you arrive rooms will be allocated / you will find yourself a bed.
For Friday, we will just be hanging out, maybe a fire, some boardgames and beers on Friday night.
No formal session / content. Just a good fellowship time and a feed!

SATURDAY will include:
A BBQ breakfast,
a devotional time & hearing testimonies & prayer together,
outdoor activities,
lunch together,
a closing thanksgiving prayer time.
DONE BY 5pm at the latest.

The best version of an under 18 coming along is that they come with their Dad!
But there are a whole bunch of reasons that may not be possible (Dad is not available to come but son/s is/are or under 18 who comes to Barneys Youth whose Dad isn’t a believer / doens’t come to Barneys, to name a few).
If we have an under 18 year old who is keen to come, they will need to have an appropriate guardian for them for the weekend.
If you need a guardian for the weekend, let us know! (either Rhys or Toby can help you with this)

When you register, we will add you to a WHATSAPP group.
If you can drive, message in the group how many seats you have / when you will leave / where from?
If you need a lift, just ask!

Everything / anything you want to sleep with: pillow, sheets, sleeping bag, etc.
We will likely do some walking / climbing / swimming! bring your swimmers & walking gear.
Standard night away gear; don’t go overboard.

If you have any questions about any of the above, get in touch with The Mens Trip Planning Team:
– George Joun, Mark Raggatt, Ben Siddall & Phil Siddall at 10am
– Max Bylsma, Joe Hockey & Will Robinson at 530pm
or Rhys Duggan at either service.
Chat to any of us with ideas or if you’d like to help with the trip!

Register here